In my case, I would admit that I frequently am trying to please the people around me instead of being who I was made to be. I also will admit that I usually rush through the day just so go back to sleep and then wake up and rush through the next day and so on.
Well, I am tired of it, and I am ready for a change.
Jesus said in John 10:10 "A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life—life in all its fullness."
I am pretty sure when Jesus brought up life to the fullest, he did not mean the kind of life I am living now. I think the reason behind this is because somehow I have let my God-given passions fall off the wagon. Somewhere in the hustle and bustle of life, we can get so focused on our "hamster wheel" routine or pleasing the people around us that we lose sight of the bigger picture. The last time I checked, the 2 most important things in my life were God and people, but lately this has not been reflected in the way I carry myself.
Live is meant to be enjoyed and lived with passion! We are meant to live life in the present, not worrying about the future or dwelling on things of the past. We seem to ignore and then shut out the voice of our heart's deepest desires. Instead of living life on purpose, we sort of let life just happen to us and become a victim of its ups and downs. The victim mentality is seen for instance when I complain to others about how tired I am, or how I couldn't help but hit the snooze button 15 times that morning just dreading the day of work ahead of me. What kind of life is that?
Another issue that will suck the passion out of life is if you are constantly worried about meeting the expectations of those around you. This is represented in my life as the fake smile. Many times throughout the day I smile out of obligation rather than out of joy. This is the product of being a people-pleaser, and what ends up happening is that you get so caught up in pleasing others that you become a phony people-pleasing robot and you forget who God has made you to be. This is no way to enjoy the life God has given us.
I think about my line of work as a doctor (my dream job!!!) and how much I want to love and help my patients find health and deeper meaning in life through my interactions with them. But how in the world can I help them if I am constantly rushed and not even pausing to listen to them? Or if I am wearing a smiley-face mask all the time?
I also think about the church and how we need less fake interactions and more people that are willing to wrestle and support each other through the deep issues of life (especially the sad ones). There's no way I will be able to reflect Jesus if I am wasting all my time trying to appear like I have it all together. And I am definitely to blame on this one.
What is your God-given passion? Have you thought lately about picking it up off the floor, dusting it off and reestablishing its importance in your life?
As I start off this year and with all the above in mind, I propose 4 goals for myself:
1: Get closer to God (a constant struggle to make time, but I know it is my #1 reason to be alive)
2: Ditch the mask and be honest with the people that I care about (this has not been easy so far, but it has definitely been worth it)
3: Live in the present with heart over everything (including at work!!)
4: Cut back on my Coca-Cola consumption (physical health is important too, you know)
I am privileged to rub shoulders with a few brave people that have decided to risk it to pursue their dreams in life. This is so encouraging. I am excited and can't wait to go abroad to serve as a doctor after residency, but the future starts today, risking one day at a time. Will you ditch your hamster wheel and your mask in exchange for a life full of real love, passion, and purpose?